Microsoft OneNote

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Solidify Your Presence; Harvest in Your Future.

Do you get overwhelmed with the amount of studies that you often forget what has been mentioned in class? Have you previously seen an online article that relates to your project but forgot what is its name? Or worst, do you forget what has triggered your inner motivation five hours ago? Microsoft OneNote is your solution.


  • It is collaborative, allowing you to interactively engage and share data with your intended audience (classmates, colleagues, etc.)
  • The data inputted is retrievable anytime anywhere from the cloud. This will free up any storage space for you, and increase the flexibility by not restraining you to one device.
  • You can incorporate image, sound, and hand writing features into your notes/data. In need to place an instant screenshot into your notes? Or maybe an explanatory voice message? Or maybe you would like to emphasise something through hand writing? OneNote got you.

Microsoft OneNote is a simple, yet a solid, integrated platform for everything that is needed to keep you ready all the time. With OneNote, you’re not scattered, you’ve got it all.

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